понедельник, 2 декабря 2013 г.

…Just Imagine Hearing The Roar Of The Crowd When You Take Off On The Fast Break And Throw Down A Rim-Wrecking Showtime Dunk!

…Just Imagine Hearing The Roar Of The Crowd When You Take Off On The Fast Break And Throw Down A Rim-Wrecking Showtime Dunk!

Kobe Bryant and Adam Folker
Kobe Bryant and Adam Folker

Hey, Adam Folker here…

Okay, so I know this might sound far-fetched to you, and you’re probably pretty skeptical, but below I’m going to explain precisely how I, Adam Folker as well as Justin Darlington and so many of our athletes, have added up to 9 - 15 inches to our vertical jumps - not in months, but within days and weeks.

So even if you’re short, un-athletic, tried every program and gimmick before, never dunked a ball in your life, are SUPER skeptical or already have a decent-sized jump, I’m about to show you 100% irrefutable proof that you too can add serious inches to your vertical.

But first, let me tell you a quick story…

When I was young I was NOT an athletic guy. In fact, I used to get made fun of for being the only guy on the team unable to touch the backboard.

You see, I played on my older brothers team and I was the only guy on the team that couldn’t dunk in warm-ups – despite being one of the tallest (embarrassing I know).

By the time I had reached my senior year in highschool I ended up leading the country in scoring! I got an NCAA Division 1 full ride scholarship and I am now a professional basketball player.

...And a huge part of this transformation was becoming a more explosive player and being able to jump with guys taller than I am.

I started getting recognized by scouts and teams all over the world, I got sponsorship deals and I now have a huge fan base allowing me to travel and train people all over the world - along with the pro contact, money and female attention that comes along with it.

But I’m not alone…

My good friend Justin ‘Jus Fly’ Darlington has also benefited from these ‘Vert Shock’ secrets we’re about to share with you. He’s been named the #1 dunker in the entire world multiple times, he even came close to making the Olympics for high jump. Yeah, let’s just say he knows a thing or two about jumping.

Justin Jus Fly Darlington Vert Shock
Justin Jus Fly Darlington Vert Shock

So obviously we are both INSANELY excited to share our hard-won, tried-and-tested ‘Vert Shock’ vertical jump secrets that have added over 32 inches to our hops between us.

Okay, so you’ve probably tried a bunch of those crazy gimmicks to improve your vertical jump, or at least seen them.

You know, like those crazy shoes, scammy ebooks, Air Alert, Strength Shoes, and various online programs. Most likely you were taken in by their slick marketing and big promises but are still not getting a higher vertical no matter what you try.

How annoying is that?!?

Sorry to break it to you but you’re not a unique snowflake.

You see, even the most genetically gifted, most athletic players on earth won’t jump higher without the proper training program. What you need is a proven, step-by-step program, guidance and support based on hard science, years of undeniable proof and sound training principles.

Then you will be jumping higher than ever before, simple as that.

But without this you’ll be left watching other guys get all the attention, effortlessly dunking over you while you spend your life reading e-books and doing boring, brutal exercises for weeks on end with no results.

Okay, so you've probably heard about the difference between fast and slow twitch muscle fibers, and that the key to a crazy-high vertical jump is to train your fast twitch fibers.

This is all true.

However, there is a little-known subset of your fast twitch fibers called Type II B fibers. These little guys contract DAMN fast and are one of the keys to creating your new, explosive jumps.

So instead of increasing your jump through overtraining like most jump training programs do (this not only doesn’t work but also causes serious injuries like patellar tendonitis), we use breakthrough exercises to laser-target these ‘super fibers’, exponentially increasing the inches you add to your jump each and every week with less work.

Vert Shock uses targeted explosive plyometric training to shock the central nervous system of the body into jumping higher. There are no heavy weight lifting exercises and it will not stunt your growth. Vert Shock is safe for all ages and experience levels.

You might have heard of Pareto’s Principle, or the 80-20 rule, right? Well that’s exactly what this program is all about. Sure it's important to work hard, but when it comes to your vertical, you HAVE to work smart too!

This program is the result of decades of hard-won secrets that Justin and I have spent countless years, energy and money tracking down, meticulously testing, using in our game and teaching to other people.

We have tried every program on the market, hunted down vert jump geniuses for their wisdom, read hundreds of research papers, tried supplements, tested diets and even those shoe scams in the hopes of increasing our vertical jumps by even a single inch.

It was a painful, time-consuming, frustrating, and very expensive process to put it mildly but there's no doubt we now have the precise formula you need to increase your vertical jump.

You won't need to buy anything else, or even use your brain much. You literally just have to follow the program step-by-step and the results will come.

That's how it's designed.

Everything is available online for you to use day or night, 24/7 any day of the year for the rest of your life. You will get instant access to all the videos, checklists, and PDF's so you can get started immediately with no extra equipment, stuff to buy, too much material to read or any technical junk to wade through.

You just jump in and you're ready to go. It's that easy.

No. And here's why...

Old vertical jump programs of the past use methods like "Habitual Jump Training". The concept behind this (without all the scientific lingo) is making you jump 1000 times a workout and hoping this improves your bodies ability to recruit and communicate with your jumping muscles better.

The problem with these methods are they make you train your SUB-MAXIMAL jump height over and over again. This means that you are not jumping your highest at any point in the workout nor are you training max jump height...

With Vert Shock we drastically reduce the number of jumps per workout so that you are able to jump your highest on each rep. This trains your MAXIMUM JUMP HEIGHT and will drastically increase it. It also means that the workouts are shorter and easier and provide lightning fast results.

My name is Adam Folker and I am a professional basketball player. I made it to the professional level through a relentless work ethic and busting my ass day in and day out. The first time I measured my vertical jump it was 14 inches…

…Nothing to shoot a Youtube video about.

But by the time I graduated high school it was 32 inches and I was dunking in every game I played. I led the nation in scoring, earned a Division 1 full scholarship to the University of California Irvine, and have worked with some of the best trainers in the world.

So I might know a thing or two about what hard work can do for your game.

I was never an athletic kid growing up and that forced me to train not only hard, but really smart. As a matter of fact, it wasn't until I finally started to jump higher that I got some playing time on the court. Before then, I rode the bench. All my years of wisdom and trial and error experience are rolled into this program.

I am also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). This certification is known as the gold standard when it comes to training cert's and allows me to work with professional sports teams as their performance coach.

justin jusfly darlington vert shock
justin jusfly darlington vert shock

  • Give you explosive power ‘on tap’ like Jordan and Kobe.
  • Increase your lateral speed exponentially.
  • Slash your reaction time by half.
  • Let you become more dominant on the court.
  • Get you noticed by scouts and recruiting services.
  • Have other teams put you at the top of their scouting report.
  • Have that cute girl watch you at the next game.
  • Force your coach to give you more court time.
  • Have you finish around the rim.
  • Let you block shots off the glass.
  • Grab more rebounds.
  • Give you a powerful psychological advantage over your opponents.
  • Make teammates come to you for advice, tips and training.
  • …and perhaps even get you a scholarship, pro ball contract or sponsorship deal.

So instead of taking my word for how brutally effective it is, here’s what just a handful of our members had to say about Vert Shock and how it transformed their athletic career…

We've crammed everything we know about jumping higher into this online membership club that gives you access to all our workout videos, checklists, guides and worksheets any time of the day or night.

We call it Vert Shock because it's literally going to 'shock' your body into becoming a jumping machine!

The system is based on bodyweight and plyometric exercises that are scientifically proven to train one's muscles and nervous system into jumping higher.

But that alone is just not enough.

So I decided to add constant support from me as well as the other members in the form of weekly emails so you always have a helping hand and someone to ask for advice.

This increases the effectiveness of the program by 10X!

So you won't be left alone to figure it all out by yourself or struggle if you need help. You'll be kept on track and motivated to improve day by day with our help whenever you need it.

We wanted to make this the best training program you've ever tried for your game. We want you to be the centre of attention and the envy of your teammates, so here's what we're going to do for you…

Not only are we handing you all these incredible training videos, the forum access, guides and workout plans, we're going to give you even MORE!

So, as an added bonus and only if you join today, we're throwing in 4 KILLER bonuses purely to over-deliver and make the decision a total no-brainer for you.

So here's what you're getting completely free of charge today…

The best program in the world is worth squat if you don't follow it. So, to prevent you having to rely on your willpower too much, we've included a simple weekly email check-in system that increases your consistency and thus results through solid behavioural psychology.

Would you believe that there are foods which sap your body's 'springiness' and cap your maximum jump potential? It's true. But not only that, there are also a bunch of foods which serve as jump fuel, making your body learn these 'shock' motor patterns of ours faster and easier.

None of these will help your jump even one bit.

Very soon we'll be selling the Vert Shock program for $197. However, since we've just launched it and are still in celebration mode, we're offering you the very rare chance to get it at a reduced price.

So, today you can pick up this entire program with all the bonuses, continuous coaching and nothing left out for only $134. Yup, you read that right!

That's not a typo.

That's a discount of a full $60 just to say thank you for supporting our products and careers in the past.

In fact, if you come back to this page in 20 minutes, tomorrow, or in a week, the price may very well have gone back to the regular $194.

So, just like in the game of basketball…you hesitate and you lose out.

Get in now before the price goes back up and you have to pay the extra $60 for the exact same program. That would suck!

We know just how many scammers are out there promising you a higher jump so we're doing anything and everything to earn your trust. So…

We're letting you get a full refund if you don’t like Vert Shock for any reason whatsoever.

So basically you could buy Vert Shock today, add serious inches to your vertical jump and STILL get all your money back if you really wanted.

THAT is how much we believe in this program!

In fact, you can get your money back for any reason at all and we won't even ask you why. We just want you to feel no stress about investing in Vert Shock at all.

We personally guarantee that you will be jumping up to 3 – 5 inches higher within the first 7 days of the program and up to 9 – 15 inches higher by the end of the 8-week program.

If you use Vert Shock for 60 days and honestly feel that it failed to deliver on anything we promised you on this page, we will give you a complete refund. Just send us an email with nothing more than 'refund request' in the subject line and we'll refund the entire cost within 24 hours.

In fact, the whole process is handled by a separate company so we couldn't stop the refund even if we wanted to. You have total control here and ZERO risk.

Maybe a little, but there's a method to our madness…

You see, we believe that when you're finally jumping higher than you ever dreamed possible, you'll be so happy that you won't want to ask for a refund at all.

That you'll feel like it was a total steal and worth at least 10 times the price you paid. That is our goal and judging from all the thank you emails and testimonials we’ve already received, we're pretty confident about it.

Either you join our awesome Vert Shock community, adding major inches to your vertical leap, helping you dunk easier and improving your game for good…

Either you take hold of your lifelong dream of dunking like the pros or let it wither away and die becoming just another abandoned goal festering with regret in your mind for the rest of your life.

So what's it gonna be?

This should be a really easy decision for you since I'm taking all the risk here. Seriously. If you don't like anything about the program for any reason at all, you get all your money back - every single cent and I won't even ask you why.

So basically not joining Vert Shock would mean you were willing to turn your back on your dream for a measly $134.

That would be a huge shame!

Instead, join our long and growing list of Vert Shock success stories today by becoming a Vert Shock member, joining our committed community and jumping higher than anyone on your team, in your town, or that you've ever met.

WARNING: But, like I said, this insane offer of ours won't be around forever. You're either in or you're out and now is the time for you to decide.

So what's it gonna be? Remember…

Vert Shock is the only way you will finally achieve your dream of dunking like a professional athlete. It's the best, most proven and insanely effective vertical jump training program in existence and you are 100% guaranteed that it will work for you.

If you don't gain up to 9 – 15 inches on your vertical, then you get all your money invested handed right back to you. This is not only backed by a professional basketball player, the world's highest dunker with a 50.1" vertical leap, and scientific evidence… it's also been proven effective by hundreds of our athletes and we use this stuff ourselves.

Okay, so you're still skeptical. That's understandable. There are a lot of people out there pushing all kinds of crazy jump gimmicks. So naturally you're wondering if this will really work for you.

We've compiled all the most common questions people ask us about the Vert Shock program and answered them all for you right here…

  • What extra equipment will I need? None. I realize not all athletes have access to similar gyms and therefore Vert Shock can be done almost anywhere. We prefer you do it on a soft, surface like grass, but all you really need is a park bench or box and some wide-open space.
  • What’s so special about this program compared to all the others out there? We don’t use dangerous overtraining like the others do. We use a laser-like focus on training your Type II B muscle fibers to be incredibly explosive. It’s just a lot more effective. Also, this program was created by a pro basketball player and the world’s highest dunker, not some self-proclaimed ‘expert’ on vertical jumping that has no experience with real-world application of these skills.
  • I am in-season, can I still do it? Yes, and you will get the same if not better results even though you are training in-season. The intermittent training schedule allows for you to plan your workouts around practice times.
  • I’m Asian / older / Hispanic / female… will Vert Shock still work for me? Absolutely. This program works for anyone no matter your age, race or gender. Our successful athletes come from all over the world and they all added major inches to their vertical.
  • I can’t even touch the rim. Is Vert Shock too advanced for me? Nope. In fact, you are the exact type of person who will see get the biggest jump gains from this program. You have so much room for improvement that just a few tweaks will see you gaining many inches very quickly.
  • What if I need help or have questions in the program? After you purchase you will instantly be given a login to the members only site. Here you will be able to read and post in the private forum as well as ask me any questions you may have.
  • I’m really busy, will this program take up all my time? No. We’ve designed this program for busy people like us so you only need less than an hour max 4 times per week to get all the results from it.
  • How long do I have to wait to get access to Vert Shock? Vert Shock is a digital, online membership site meaning you get instant access to all the materials and videos the second you join, even if its 4am. Since there’s nothing to mail and no physical books etc, we can keep our program really affordable, saving you a ton of money for all this cutting-edge training.
  • I’ve never even worked out before, can I still do it? Vert Shock is safe and works for all ages and levels. The program requires no weights or special equipment and can be done at home. Exercise videos of each movement are included so there is no prior workout experience needed.
  • My jump is already pretty high at over 40 inches. Will Vert Shock help me? Yes, but not as much as say, a newbie obviously. You’ll still be able to add a few inches to your hops without much trouble though.
  • Can I trust you with my credit card? Without a doubt and here’s why. All our payment processing is handled by a separate billion dollar company that has been around for decades. It’s called Clickbank and it’s responsible for millions of transactions per month with the latest security in place. We trust them wholeheartedly and have never had any issues at all. We were very careful about who we decided to work with and these guys are the best, hands down. You have nothing to fear whatsoever and if you’re still nervous about it, feel free to pay with Paypal. We accept both Paypal and credit cards.
  • Are the testimonials real? Yes! If you would like to get in touch with any of the athletes that provided testimonials just ask!

Original article and pictures take jump.increase-vertical-jump-fast.com site

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