вторник, 1 декабря 2015 г.

Get The Full Story Below!

Get The Full Story Below!

Discover How You Can Immediately Double Your Muscle Gains, Remodel ANY "Weak" Bodypart,Smash EVERY Plateau, All While Revealing Your Abs At The SAME Time...

A eye-opening article by IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski


Hi, my name is Benjamin Pakulski and I'm honored for the opportunity to expose the five most common training and dietary mistakes reversing your gains and I am extremely excited to hand you my plateau-busting shortcuts to maximize lean muscle gains, crush "weak body parts" and incinerate fat so you keep your abs the entire time.

Every 40 days you'll experience a new growth spurt utilizing my body-remodeling methods –NOS ™ technology, the power of the number forty, my Three-Phase Nutrition system and the revolutionary workout technique Intent.

For the first time, I have organized all my absolute best muscle-building knowledge -- after twenty years of trial-and-error on myself & clients, and rubbing shoulders with the world's brightest doctors, therapists and coaches – into the Muscle Intelligence ™ foundational training system!

It's the same system that helped me become one of the top 15 ranked pro bodybuilders in the world.

The same system that has landed me on dozens of magazine tovers such as Muscular Development, Flex, MuscleMag and many more…

It's the same training system that has transformed the lives of hundreds of regular males & females all over the world – and the same system that will teach you the scientifically optimal way to achieve your ultimate body.

First, I know what you're thinking so let's acknowledge the big purple elephant in the room.

Ben, aren't you a pro bodybuilder who takes steroids? I'm drug-free so why should I listen to you?"


"I grew up training natural and eating clean. There was no cutting corners for me. My mediocre genetics would NEVER allow it!"

In fact, I have always preferred working with drug-free trainees because it's more of a challenge and requires a more thoughtful & intelligent approach. We must carefully analyze every aspect if we want them to beat their non drug-free counterparts! They often tend to be much more receptive to an intelligent "whole body" approach.

Drugs or no-drugs, professional bodybuilders are just like you. We obviously have different caloric requirements, different training load, but at the end of the day, we're all trying to get 100% out of our bodies. We push our limits, minimize injuries, recover as fast as possible and do it all over again!

The smarter bodybuilders, like myself, focus on how to optimize recovery: short term and long term. This is the limiting factor to muscle growth! The faster you can recover, the more time you spend being anabolic (growing). Improve your capacity to recover faster and you can train again sooner to stimulate more new growth.

My personal motto has always been: " The more you know, the more you grow!"

Ben Pakulski

There are five problems we must address right now…

5 Irrefutable Reasons You'll NEVER Grow And The 5 Uncommon Scientific-Solutions To Guaranteeing Max Gains...



Are you ready to immediately ADD muscle to your slow-to-grow body parts, smash ANY plateau, while carving out your 6-pack?

Are you ready to become my next top success story like these individuals who trusted me?

Envision getting size & cuts at the same time every 6 weeks – while revealing your washboard abs!

Today you have a chance to take your physique to incredible new heights and maximize your potential with my revolutionary new system – I will teach you how to achieve massive muscle and immense strength without the use of drugs, helping you achieve physical perfection naturally.


Mi40 Product


complete mi40 system
$1050 Value

$17 Value

$27 Value

Because you've read this far and are visiting the site during the $50 Off "Re-Launch Sale", you have the opportunity to get the full 8-component $1,319 package at the special VIP discounted investment of not $197, or even the retail price of $127, but just one easy payment of $77.

Frankly, this is an absolute steal considering that the value of the Online Video footage alone would normally cost you $1,050 (7 hours of my time in person at $150 an hour). To attend one of my 3-hr seminars would cost from $50-$100 per person, and they are often sold out weeks in advance.

Not to mention that my seminar appearance fees range from $3,000 to $7,000 per day and hosts pay it gladly. That was not a misprint: $3,000 - $7,000 a day!

Do you think any individual of sound mind would pay that kind of money if I didn't deliver TEN times the value? Heck, no! Just like the seminar attendees, you too will be absolutely THRILLED when I reveal my methods.

This small $77 drop-in-the-bucket price is less than what you would pay for some average trainer who knows next to nothing about muscle-growth; and absolutely NOTHING when it comes to the growth-mechanisms of MI40-Foundation & NOS ™

Here's a clue that you're getting the DEAL of a lifetime: if you visited me in Tampa, Florida, to go through all 40 individual workouts, you'd pay $6,000 for the 6 weeks and it would be, hands down, the best money you've ever invested; but, because I'm on the road at the Arnold Classic, my time is limited and $6,000 is not practical or realistic, so I'm handing you the opportunity to take MI40-Foundation into your own home and gym.

In short, you have the chance to get your hands on a PROVEN muscle-gaining system strategically designed by a world-class body transformation expert, muscle-building authority, and one of the best bodybuilders in the world and, specifically, for anyone serious about twice the muscle in half the time.

Imagine 10, 20, 30 Lbs. of New Size for You!


Listen, I promised not to BS you. You might be able to get your dream body without me… but at what price? Do you have countless hours to spend, rather than invest, in the gym?

Ultimately… it's your body and you've got the two options below… Which one do you prefer?

And here's the wildest part:

My system comes with a no-questions, no-quibbles, 60-day money back guarantee. If, for any reason, you find that my system is not perfect for you, just send it back any time within 60 DAYS, and it costs you NOTHING!

Go ahead… give me the word and we'll get started. You've got nothing to lose… and so much to gain. That's a personal promise you can take to the bank. Buy Now!

I'm absolutely thrilled to make a difference in your life and hear about the new gains you achieve in the next short 40 days. My success is your success so let's make this happen, okay? Yours in fitness, health and passion!

Benjamin Pakulski

P.S. There is absolutely no way that you can lose – except by not letting the MI40-Foundation Training & Nutrition System work for you. I'm handing you a 60-day, risk-free guarantee to test out my shortcuts to get big & lean in less time and our dozens of test subjects have already proven MI40 works like gangbusters. So, what are you waiting for? Join us RISK-FREE today. I'm seriously looking forward to working with you.

What exactly is MI40-Foundation and why is it so effective?

MI40-Foundation is the culmination of all of the most effective shortcuts I have ever come across and developed to build muscle and get lean in less time. It's radically different from anything the popular bodybuilding websites and magazines teach and was "birthed" from my exhaustive education from the world's brightest doctors, therapists, and performance coaches.

The mechanism behind the effectiveness of MI40-Foundation are NOS ™ & using conscious intent. NOS stands for Neurological Overload Sets and contributes to muscle growth and to the overcoming of plateaus. It's THIS set that ensures you never walk out of the gym wondering, "Did I do enough?" and on the flip side it ensures you never worry, "Did I overtrain?" Intent teaches you how to "feel" your muscles when going heavier and heavier presents more risk than reward. It is the ideal tool to exhaust your muscles safely.

The number forty has been proven to be the ideal amount of time for virtually every muscle-building variable: everything from the length of time it takes to adapt to a new program, workout length, set length, rest period length, best-foods, and best-exercises. Every aspect that is missing in your training is contained here for long-lasting gains.

To whom do you recommend the MI40-Foundation program?

MI40-Foundation is the perfect program for anyone looking to improve the quality of their time in the gym and improve the appearance of their physique. In short, it's strategically designed to get big and lean in less time.

Can I follow MI40-Foundation if I need to lose fat?

You SHOULD be following MI40-Foundation if you want to lose weight. This is the most optimal way to train, for someone looking to change their body composition; i.e., increase lean muscle mass and burn fat mass because it is brief, intense, and harnesses the power of your fat-burning hormones.

MI40-Foundation is not circuit-style weight training, which can certainly help you lose weight but will not shape and sculpt your appearance as effectively as intense and direct muscle work. In short, if you want to appear muscular and ripped, MI40-Foundation is calling your name.

What if I'm not a "young buck" -- will this work if I'm considerably older?

Age is a number. I know guys in their 60s in better shape than most 25 year olds. The trick is to maximize your efficiency in the gym, and spend more time recovering from short, intense workouts. Brief, yet still intense, workouts will accumulate LESS INFLAMMATION.

Is there any age "too young" if interested in MI40-Foundation?

I would never morally recommend that anyone under the age of 15 engage in an intense workout regime. Beyond that, the age at which you are mentally able to approach learning new training techniques and concepts without an ego, is the right age. For some, this may be 16; for others, 45 may be too soon.

I'm an interested female. Will this work just as fast for me?

Some females have had the most outstanding results! Hormone regulation is probably even more important for women looking to build muscle and get lean, than it is for men. The techniques in MI40-Foundation allow you to optimize hormone levels through proper, intense training, and nutrition concepts such as my trademark Three-Phase Nutrition protocol that transforms your body like nothing else.

I'm a complete beginner and wondering if I should try this program?

Although the concepts set forth in this program are designed to be more advanced, the basic principles in this program can and should be applied to anyone that steps foot in a gym.

The exercise execution guide and online videos are crystal-clear and demonstrate how to perform every move safely and efficiently. MI40-Foundation combines over one hundred thousand dollars of graduate and post-graduate education into one system. MI40-Foundation will be your finest learning experience ever.

How many 40-day cycles can I do consecutively?

ONE! MI40-Foundation is hard. It will demand a lot of your body. Your muscles will be exhausted and your nervous system will be overloaded. That's the point of the program.

The gains you make after the program will exceed that of any program you have ever encountered. This is one of the greatest features of MI40-Foundation. You will grow while you're on it AND continue to grow for months afterward because you have trained your nervous system to recruit a greater number of motor units and thereby contract MORE MUSCLE! In essence, MI40-Foundation will make all your future workout programs work faster and better.

I'm a competitive bodybuilder. Will this prepare me for my next show?

It does for me! And it does for many of my top-level national bodybuilders. You may want to make some adjustments to the last two weeks or start this program eight weeks from the contest and reduce the training load for the last two weeks. After picking up the program, feel free to consult with me personally on this matter and I'll make sure you nail it.

What kind of supplements are involved in MI40-Foundation?

I have made recommendations based on improving performance, maximizing natural testosterone, speeding recovery, and something that I am HUGE on -- reducing inflammation. Some of my recommendations will be familiar; many you may not know about and are often overlooked but just as effective. The less-common nutritional supplements are the ones you NEED to know about and you'll find out what the best are from A-Z, for each of your main fitness goals.

How did you discover NOS ™?


Being a research junky, I had always read about overloading the muscle and overloading the nervous system to stimulate new muscle and strength gains, respectively. Time under tension was proven to be the number one factor correlating with muscle growth and overload!

Something clicked in my brain! Time under MAXIMAL TENSION! This had to be better than just time under tension! And so, my GROWTH BABY was born, and shortly you will see NOS in action when you pick up MI40-Foundation today!

How did you discover Intent?

Intent was introduced to me by a very good friend of mine who is a Physical Therapist of sorts. His modality is called MAT(Muscle Activation Technique) - muscleactivation.com. This guy knows the body like few people I have ever met. He is also an instructor of one of THE most incredible training certifications in the world: RTS (Resistance Training Specialist) created by genius and fitness pioneer Tom Purvis. An hour with Tom would cost you upwards of $500. His concepts are extremely scientific and complex but some of the most brilliant stuff in the world.

Would this work for someone taking steroids?

Sure. Steroids increase recovery. Faster recovery means more frequent workouts and, therefore, increased strength.

How did you recruit your test group?

My test group was completely random. I pulled most people off my Facebook fan page, others from a seminar in Canada, and others were friends of some of my fitness colleagues who wanted to build some quality muscle and wanted to see why I was coined as The Master Molder! As you saw above, MI40-Foundation works for anyone willing to put in the time, effort, and open-mindedness about new methods.

Are there any downsides to MI40-Foundation?

It's addictive! Forty different workouts in total! The only downside to the program is that it requires hard work, focus, and commitment to get the greatest results possible. Just like anything else in life, what did you expect? If you were to apply only 1/10th of the methods in MI40-Foundation, you would still experience dramatic results. Intent alone will pack on slabs of muscle for years to come.

What are the advantages to the MI40-Foundation program?

Precision means that every detail has been meticulously calculated into the program; nothing has been left to random-chance. The workout length, set length, rest period, exercise selection, exercise order, food selection have all been calculated into the program. Everything!

STRUCTURE is in reference to the forty individual workouts in MI40-Foundation. Each week you rotate through different exercises so you're not following the same 7-day workout 6 times (40 days). Every workout is a new and refreshing experience!

It just seems like a no-brainer to be able to go into the gym and KNOW that you're doing the right thing to build muscle and will not leave thinking, "Did I do enough?", or, "Did I overtrain?”. Say goodbye to those uncertainties forever.

Is MI40-Foundation downloadable or shipped to my house?

For the next 60 days, it is available by download only, and after your order is complete, you can transfer everything from my website to your computer. It's brain-dead easy and I'll show you how, in case you're not great with computers!

Since the demand is high and people want results NOW, I've decided to release MI40-Foundation as a digital program and to make it as accessible to as many people as possible.

This gives me an extra 60 days to create a hardcopy version of MI40-Foundation that will be available to those who want a hardcopy version at a later date. Please note, the hardcopy version will be at least TWICE as much as the current sale price. Order now!

If I delayed the release of MI40-Foundation any longer I think I would start getting hate mail. LOL!

What if the program doesn't work for me?

If you READ this program, WATCH the ONLINE VIDEOS, and can FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS, there is NO DOUBT it will work for you and for everyone who puts in an honest effort.

I am SO sure that it works for every single person who follows it that I will offer a complete money-back guarantee: no questions asked.

I don't think I could be any more fair, could I?

I sincerely look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your dream body. I'll see you on the other side!

NOTE: MI40-Foundation is a completely downloadable series of e-manuals, digital videos and audio files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer (no waiting or shipping costs!). The format for all manuals, workbooks, checklists, etc, is Adobe Acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

Original article and pictures take www.benpakulski.com site

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